Text "New Collection" on top of mixed jigsaw puzzle pieces.

New Jigsaw Puzzle Collection

Introducing our newest addition to GPL’s Library of Things: jigsaw puzzles! You will find the puzzle collection at the Main Library to the right of the Board Game collection. Why Jigsaw Puzzles? Besides their being fun, there are some other great reasons to solve jigsaw puzzles. Check out this Cronicas Puzzleras article: 10 Surprising Benefits…

Librarian handing a new library card to the mayor of Gretna, Nebraska while the Library Director stands to the side.

A New Library Card Design and Logo

In what started as redesigning our Library cards, Assistant Director, Rebecca McCorkindale noticed an opportunity to rebrand the Library as well, including a fresh new logo. While creating the design of both the card and the logo, Rebecca aimed to embody both a feel of community, and the many offerings that the Library has available…