2022 State of the Library Report

Text stating "2022 State of the Library Report" with the Gretna Public Library below this. A row of diverse people goes along the bottom.
Text "Library ROI = 147%" beneath it reads "For every $1 the Gretna community invested in their library, GPL converted it into $1.47 for the community."
Two charts One showing that patrons invested in In-Person Resources more than eResources. The other shows that In-Person Library Use (what people did while at GPL) shows that it's pretty even between "Use a resource, browse the collection, and attend a program"
There is a photo of a woman and her baby.
There are three horizontal  lines across the image. The top red-colored line states that "25,765 people came to the library." The middle green one says "589 was the number of library events."
The bottom teal bar says that there was a 12% increase in library accounts. There are photos of an elderly couple hugging, and then a family of four in-between the horizontal lines.
Three colored horizontal rectangles go across with text on them. The top light green one says, "30,466 unique library website visitors." The middle blue one says "108,808 library circulation." The bottom darker green says "25,240 materials available to check out."
There is a picture of three smiling children within the space of the colored info stripes.
A teal box contains text and a photo of a business woman. The text reads, "$1,318,643 the amount library patrons saved by using Gretna Public Library."

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