At the Gretna Public Library we strive to provide our users the best quality information available. This is accomplished through databases and online services that the library subscribes to on its own, resources provided through the State of Nebraska, and databases provided by the Nebraska Library Commission.
Whether you are researching a health concern, conducting a job search, gathering sources for your next school paper, or simply finding a new book to read, these online resources are an excellent place to pursue your hunt for information.
Popular Resources
Reference Bank
Search EBSCO’s full text
biographical profiles, images,
abstracts, and articles
on notable people, living and dead.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Reference Source
Thousands of unique and reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of Biography and Biography Today.
Utilize keyword searches, and locate biographies
by subject occupation, activity, nationality, gender, birthplace and more.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Book Résumés
Book Résumés help teachers, librarians, parents, and community members defend books from censorship. They detail each title’s significance and educational value and are easy to share with administrators, book review committees, elected officials, and board members.
Common Sense Media
A rating resource for parents and educators which reviews movies, TV shows, books, and more. This helps caregivers feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids.
Online Book Club
Discover new books or authors through this novel approach to reading a book.
Monday through Friday, you’ll receive a an email containing a portion of a book that takes only five minutes to read. You choose the genre.
After a full week, you should know whether or not you’d like to read the entire book which you may get at the library.
Does the Dog Die?
A community-driven platform designed to be an emotional survival guide for books, movies, TV shows, and more.
Everyone has unique sensitivities and triggers,
and this site provides a sanctuary
for individuals who seek to explore
entertainment without stumbling upon
unexpected emotional challenges.
Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music everywhere you have a screen. The best part? No waiting lists.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
The Wayback Machine allows access to snapshots of now-deleted or cached webpages.
Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides instant access to thousands
of critically acclaimed movies,
documentaries, and kid favorites.
You can stream unlimited Kanopy Kids,
and are allotted 15 tickets per month.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
One of GPL’s eBook, digital audiobook, and digital magazine services.
Discover thousands of books
to read or listen to — from the comfort of your home or on the go.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
New York Times
Best Sellers
Authoritatively ranked lists of books
sold in the United States,
sorted by format and genre.
Novelist Plus
Find recommendations, reviews,
and series info for fiction/nonfiction books. Helps readers find books
that perfectly match their
reading preferences and moods.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Novelist K-8 Plus
Find the right books for younger readers. Discover unique story elements,
read-alike recommendations, reading level and series information, lists, and teacher/parent resources.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is a library of
over 60,000 free ebooks.
You can download epub, Kindle,
or HTML ebook files, or read them online.
Discover the world’s great literature
with a focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the ebooks for both enjoyment and education.
Renaissance AR Bookfinder
Searching for books is easy with Renaissance Accelerated Reader Bookfinder®. Everyone can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile™ measure, interest level, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, award-winners, state lists, CCSS Exemplars, and more.
Explora Public
Browse or search across multiple databases.
Browse or search across multiple databases. Browse by broad topic area or search by a general interest, health, legal, biographical, or other topic for full text popular magazine and journal articles, and other resources. |
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Explora for High Schools
Browse or search across multiple databases, including MAS Complete and
Points of View Reference Source,
for articles from popular magazines,
Topic Overviews for high school researchers,
and more.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Explora for Elementary/Middle Schools
Browse or search across multiple databases, including Primary Search, Middle Search Plus,
and Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia,
for articles from popular magazines,
Topic Overviews for younger researchers,
and more.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
First Search
A collection of 12 databases, including ArticleFirst, ERIC, and MEDLINE.
No full text.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Funk & Wagnalls
New World Encyclopedia
Student-friendly online encyclopedia
covering more than 25,000 topics.
Searchable by subject or keywords
within the entry.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
by Brainfuse
Live assistance with homework help,
skills building, eLearning tools,
FAFSA help, chess tutoring,
and an adult learning center.
Also a good resource for US Citizenship help.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
LearningExpress Library
An easy-to-use online test prep resource that helps you improve your core academic skills, earn a high school equivalency, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
MAS Complete
A research database for high schoolers.
Provides full text access to magazines,
reference books, primary source documents,
and images.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Search popular magazines, journals, and other sources for info on a variety of topics.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Middle Search Plus
A research database for middle schoolers.
Find magazines, reference eBooks,
and primary source documents.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Access to premium research databases,
evaluated websites, government publications, Nebraska memories, and more.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Primary Search
A full-text database of carefully curated content for elementary school libraries that you can use. It includes full text for the most popular children’s magazines, e-books, and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Scholastic Teachables
Gain instant access to download worksheets, lessons, mini-books, and more.
Save time planning with teacher approved,
ready-to-use worksheets.
Created by teachers.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Find books, movies, music,
and other materials owned
by libraries around the world.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Fold3 Library Edition
Fold3® provides convenient access
to military records, including the stories,
photos, and personal documents
of the men and women who served.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Heritage Hub
Explore your family history with the
premier collection of U.S. obituaries and
death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today.
Heritage Hub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states,
hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s,
and original obituary images.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Historic Gretna Database
Search through local archives of historical documents and genealogical stories.
The Gretna Historical Society once saved pictures, collected newspaper articles in scrapbooks and files, and even walked through cemeteries to keep the past alive.
When the Society closed its doors,
the Gretna Public Library became
the home of this labor of civic pride.
By digitizing this collection of Gretna history, the GPL continues the spirit of community started by the Gretna Historical Society.
Trace your family history
through global genealogy resources.
A Nebraska Driver’s ID # or
password from the library is required
to access this resource.
National Archives & Records Administration
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
is the nation’s record keeper.
These valuable records are preserved
and available to you, whether you want
to see if they contain clues about
your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching
a historical topic that interests you.
Nebraska State
Historical Society
History Nebraska collects,
preserves, and opens
to all the histories that we share.
Sarpy County
Historical Museum
The Sarpy County Historical Museum
protects, preserves, and promotes
the rich history of Sarpy County.
A to Z Databases
The premier reference, research,
marketing, mailing lists/sales leads,
and job-search database.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Access Business News
Search business resources
including extensive full-text coverage
of accounting, banking, financial
and marketing news from well-known journals, newsletters, newswires, magazines,
and web-only content.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Nebraska residents can go here to
apply for public assistance benefits.
This is the premier reference, research,
marketing, mailing lists/sales leads,
and job-search database.
DMV Permit Test
Free DMV practice tests for every state.
Train with DMV Permit Test
to pass your official DMV test.
Take a practice test.
Review the correct answers.
Learn. Repeat.
Got Resume Builder
Provides comprehensive
resume tutorials, samples, and writing tips
along with editable resume templates
designed by professionals, and more.
Jobs for Teens HQ
Job hunting headquarters for jobs,
internships, and more
for 11-19 year-olds.
Find information on resume writing,
child labor laws, work permits,
interviewing advice, etc.
by Brainfuse
Live, anytime, anywhere job assistance,
including up-to-date nation-wide
and local job search engines,
professional resume critique,
and proven interview techniques.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Legal Information
Reference Center
Find full text consumer legal information
plus legal forms from all states.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Free Legal Answers
A virtual legal advice clinic
powered by the
American Bar Association
in which financially qualifying users
post civil legal questions
to be answered by
pro bono NE licensed attorneys.
The official NE Department of Labor site
contains resources for job seekers,
employers, and labor market information.
Discover jobs in Nebraska,
create a resume, find training,
apply for unemployment benefits,
and so much more.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Small Business
Reference Center
This Ebsco-powered site covers
business areas from accounting to PR,
and even starting/managing a nonprofit.
There is a wealth of knowledge available
such as industry information by
business type, or start-up kits
and business plans.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Consumer Health
Access full text information and videos
on health and wellness.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library
The UNMC Health Information Service
assists Nebraska residents,
or patients receiving health care
in Nebraska, and their families
in finding information
on health and wellness topics.
Medline Plus
Information about diseases,
conditions, and wellness issues
in language you can understand.
Get links to the latest medical research
on a topic or find out about clinical trials
on a disease or condition.
Senior Care in Nebraska provides excellent resources
for those looking for any kind of senior care.
This site lists care facilities in Nebraska,
covering assisted living, memory care,
home care, and hospice.
Caregiver resources are also available.
Gretna Breeze
Various Gretna Breeze articles
from 2009-January 2023.
Available remotely 24/7 on any device.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
– America’s News –
NewsBank consolidates current
and archived information
from thousands of newspaper titles,
as well as newswires,
web editions, blogs, videos, etc.
Available remotely 24/7 on any device.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
– Nebraska –
Current newspapers and archives
of 24 Nebraska newspapers
From the Associated Press’ Nebraska State Wire
to The York News-Times, you can stay on top of what’s happening in Nebraska.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
– Nebraska –
Archive of Nebraska newspapers
from 1833-2004.
Search for obituaries, marriage announcements, birth announcements, social pages,
national and local news articles, sports, advertisements, entertainment,
fashion and lifestyle pages, comics, and more.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Omaha World-Herald
Browse archived issues of the OWH
from 1983 through today
with full-color newspaper pages,
individual articles,
and content only published online.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Sarpy County Times
Various Sarpy County Times articles
from 2023-current day.
Available remotely 24/7 on any device.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
A to Z World Culture
Learn all the information
you ever wanted to know
about every country in the world.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Black Life in America
The experience and impact
of African Americans
as recorded by the news media.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Creativebug has thousands of
award-winning art & craft video classes
taught by recognized
design experts and artists.
There are also patterns, printables,
daily challenges, and more!
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Research database with scholarly,
government, and general-interest titles
that cover all aspects of the human impact
to the environment.
Powered by EBSCO.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Mango Languages
Learn a new language.
There are over 70 languages
for you to choose from – now including American Sign Language!
This resource is also available as an app.
A library card is required
to access this resource.
Take a journey to Mars,
experience the views from
the International Space Station,
explore the solar system and beyond.
Don’t miss the unbelievable images,
videos and information on these topics
and so much more!
Points of View
Reference Center
Find critical essays on
current events
with an overview and
two sides of each issue.
Powered by EBSCO.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Psychology &
Behavioral Sciences
Search EBSCO’s collection of
full text journal articles covering
psychology, behavior, and more.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Science &
Search EBSCO’s collection of
full text scholarly journals covering
science and technology.
A password from the library is required
to access this resource.
A library card is not required.
Biographical Information
Biography Reference Bank | Full text biographical profiles and articles on notable people, living and dead. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Biography Reference Center | Comprehensive collection of 450,000+ biographical profiles. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Books, Music, Movies, and More
Book Résumés | Book Résumés help teachers, librarians, parents, and community members defend books from censorship. They detail each title’s significance and educational value and are easy to share with administrators, book review committees, elected officials, and board members. |
Common Sense Media | A rating resource for parents and educators which reviews movies, TV shows, books, and more so users can feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids. | Online Book Club | Be part of a book club without ever leaving your home! Receive books by email according to the subject of your liking all for free. |
Does the Dog Die? | A community-driven platform designed to be an emotional survival guide for books, movies, TV shows, and more. Everyone has unique sensitivities and triggers, and this site provides a sanctuary for individuals who seek to explore entertainment without stumbling upon unexpected emotional challenges. |
hoopla | Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines, or music everywhere you have a screen. The best part? No waiting lists. Each library card is allotted 10 checkouts per month. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Internet Archive | Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. The Wayback Machine allows access to snapshots of now-deleted or cached webpages. |
Kanopy | Kanopy is a video streaming service that provides instant access to thousands of critically acclaimed movies, documentaries, and kid favorites. You can stream unlimited Kanopy Kids, and are allotted 15 tickets per month. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Libby/Overdrive | One of GPL’s eBook, digital audiobook, and digital magazine services. Discover thousands of books to read or listen to — from the comfort of your home or on the go. A library card is required to access this resource. |
New York Times Best Sellers | Authoritatively ranked lists of books sold in the United States, sorted by format and genre. |
Novelist Plus | Find recommendations, reviews, and series info for fiction/nonfiction books. Helps readers find books that perfectly match their reading preferences and moods. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Novelist K-8 Plus | Find the right books for younger readers. Discover unique story elements, read-alike recommendations, reading level and series information, lists, and teacher/parent resources. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Project Gutenberg | Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free ebooks. You can download epub, Kindle, or HTML ebook files, or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the ebooks for enjoyment and education. |
Renaissance AR Bookfinder | Searching for books is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder®. Students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search in English or Spanish using criteria such as ATOS book level or a Lexile™ measure, interest level, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, award-winners, state lists, CCSS Exemplars, and more. |
Education Resources & General Research Databases
Explora Public | Browse or search across multiple databases. Browse by broad topic area or search by a general interest, health, legal, biographical, or other topic for full text popular magazine and journal articles, and other resources. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Explora for High Schools | Browse or search across multiple databases, including MAS Complete and Points of View Reference Source, for articles from popular magazines, Topic Overviews for high school researchers, and more. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Explora for Elementary/Middle Schools | Browse or search across multiple databases, including Primary Search, Middle Search Plus, and Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, for articles from popular magazines, Topic Overviews for younger researchers, and more. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
First Search | A collection of 12 databases, including ArticleFirst, ERIC, and MEDLINE. No full text. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia | Student-friendly online encyclopedia covering more than 25,000 topics. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
HelpNow by Brainfuse | Live assistance with homework help, skills building, eLearning tools, FAFSA help, chess tutoring, and adult learning center. Good resource for US Citizenship help. A library card is required to access this resource. |
LearningExpress Library | Provides a wide range of practice tests (GRE, ACT, ASVAB, etc) and skills building courses to help you achieve your goals. |
MAS Complete | A research database for high schoolers. Provides full text access to magazines, reference books, primary source documents, and images. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
MasterFILE | Search popular magazines, journals, and other sources for info on a variety of topics. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Middle Search Plus | A research database for middle schoolers. Find magazines, reference eBooks, and primary source documents. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
NebraskAccess | Access to premium research databases, evaluated websites, government publications, Nebraska memories, and more. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Primary Search | Find popular magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and images. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Scholastic Teachables | Gain instant access to download worksheets, lessons, mini-books, and more. Save time planning with teacher approved, ready-to-use worksheets. Created by teachers. |
WorldCat | Find books, movies, music, and other materials owned by libraries around the world. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Genealogy Research
Fold3 Library Edition | Fold3® provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. A library card is required to access this resource. |
HeritageHub | Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Historic Gretna Database | Search through local archives of historical documents and genealogical stories. The Gretna Historical Society once saved pictures and city plans, collected newspaper articles in scrapbooks and files, and even walked through cemeteries to keep the past alive. When the Society closed its doors, the Gretna Public Library became the home of this labor of civic pride. By digitizing this collection of Gretna history, the Library continues the spirit of community started by the Gretna Historical Society. |
My Heritage | Trace your family history through global genealogy resources. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
National Archives and Records Administration | The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation’s record keeper. These valuable records are preserved and available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching a historical topic that interests you. |
Nebraska State Historical Society | History Nebraska collects, preserves, and opens to all the histories we share. |
Sarpy County Historical Museum | The Sarpy County Historical Museum protects, preserves, and promotes the rich history of Sarpy County. |
Job Search Assistance, Business & Legal Information
A to Z Databases | The premier Reference, Research, Marketing, Mailing Lists/Sales Leads, and Job-Search Database. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Access Business News | Search business resources including extensive full-text coverage of accounting, banking, financial and marketing news from well-known journals, newsletters, newswires, magazines and web-only content. A library card is required to access this resource. |
ACCESSNebraska | Nebraska residents can go here to apply for public assistance benefits. The premier reference, research, marketing, mailing lists/sales leads, and job-search database. |
DMV Permit Test | Free DMV practice tests for every state. Train with DMV Permit Test to pass your official DMV test. Take a practice test. Review the correct answers. Learn. Repeat. |
Got Resume Builder | Provides comprehensive resume tutorials, samples, and writing tips along with editable resume templates designed by professionals and more. |
Jobs for Teens HQ | |
NEworks | Discover jobs in Nebraska, create a resume, or apply for unemployment benefits. |
Jobs for Teens HQ | Job hunting headquarters for jobs, internships, and more for 11-19 year-olds. Find information on resume writing, child labor laws, work permits, interviewing advice, etc. |
JobNow by Brainfuse | Live, anytime, anywhere job assistance, including up-to-date nation-wide and local job search engines, professional resume critique, and proven interview techniques. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Legal Information Reference Center | Find full text consumer legal information plus legal forms from all states. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Nebraska Free Legal Answers | A website where financially qualifying Nebraskans can ask a Nebraska volunteer lawyer a question about a civil legal problem, for free. |
NEworks | The official NE Department of Labor site contains resources for job seekers, employers, and labor market information. Discover jobs in Nebraska, create a resume, find training, apply for unemployment benefits, and so much more. |
Small Business Reference Center | Learn how to start, finance, or manage a small business. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Medical Information
Consumer Health Complete | Access full text information and videos on health and wellness. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library | The UNMC Health Information Service assists Nebraska residents or patients receiving health care in Nebraska, and their families, in finding information on health and wellness topics. |
Medline Plus | Information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. Get links to the latest medical research on a topic or find out about clinical trials on a disease or condition. |
Senior Care in Nebraska | provides excellent resources for those looking for any kind of senior care. This site lists care facilities in Nebraska, covering assisted living, memory care, home care, and hospice. There are also resource on the site for caregivers. |
News Databases
Gretna Breeze Collection | Various Gretna Breeze articles from 2009-January 2023. Available remotely 24/7 on any device. A library card is required to access this resource. |
NewsBank – America’s News | NewsBank consolidates current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles, as well as newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, etc. Available remotely 24/7 on any device. A library card is required to access this resource. |
NewsBank – Nebraska News | NewsBank consolidates current and archived information from 24 Nebraska newspaper titles, as well as newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, etc. Available remotely 24/7 on any device. A library card is required to access this resource. | – Nebraska | Archive of Nebraska newspapers from 1833-2004. Search for obituaries, marriage announcements, birth announcements, social pages, national and local news articles, sports, advertisements, entertainment, fashion and lifestyle pages, comics, and more. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Omaha World-Herald Collection | Browse archived issues of the World-Herald from 1983 through today with full-color newspaper pages, individual articles, and content only published online. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Sarpy County Times Collection | Various Sarpy County Times articles from 2023-current day. Available remotely 24/7 on any device. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Science & Culture
A to Z World Culture | Learn all the information you ever wanted to know about every country in the world. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Black Life in America | The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. A library card is required to access this resource. |
Creativebug | Creativebug has thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. There are also patterns, printables, daily challenges, and more! A library card is required to access this resource. |
GreenFILE | Research database with scholarly, government, and general-interest titles that cover all aspects of the human impact to the environment. Powered by EBSCO. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Mango Languages | Learn a new language. There are over 70 languages for you to choose from – now including American Sign Language! This resource is also available as an app. A library card is required to access this resource. |
NASA | Take a journey to Mars, experience the views from the International Space Station, explore the solar system and beyond. Don’t miss the unbelievable images, videos and information on these topics and so much more! |
Points of View Reference Center | Find critical essays on current events with an overview and two sides of each issue. Powered by EBSCO. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences | Search EBSCO’s collection of full text journal articles covering psychology, behavior, and more. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |
Science and Technology | Search EBSCO’s collection of full text scholarly journals covering science and technology. A password from the library is required to access this resource. A library card is not required. |